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Peru Escorted Tours

22-Night Cruising The Galapagos W/ Peru W/ Arasha & Arequipa

Buffet breakfast daily (B), 11 lunches (L), and 8 three-course dinners (D); Local Host service in each city; sightseeing with a Local Guide and transportation as outlined in the day-by-day itinerary (except intra-vacation flights, which are additional; inside visits and special features are shown in UPPERCASE).


Day #1 Arrive Quito, Ecuador. Arrive in Quito, where you will be met by your Local Host.
Day #2 Quito–Arasha Resort. Travel to the Pacific Rainforest for three nights at the all-inclusive ARASHA Rainforest Resort & Spa. Surrounded by lush vegetation, tropical fruits, flora, birds, and local fauna, the award-winning Arasha offers beautiful thatch-roofed bungalows. Facilities include a large swimming pool with bar and cascading water, a Jacuzzi inside a grotto, two restaurants, theater, mini golf, and a luxurious spa. (B,L,D)
Day #3 Arasha Resort. During your stay, enjoy guided TOURS of the primary and secondary forests, birding and orchid tours, a chocolate-making demonstration, fishing, native jewelry-making classes, and much more. You may even visit one of the most colorful indigenous groups in Ecuador, the “Colorados,” to learn about their ancient traditions and religion. (B,L,D daily)
Day #4 Arasha Resort. During your stay, enjoy guided TOURS of the primary and secondary forests, birding and orchid tours, a chocolate-making demonstration, fishing, native jewelry-making classes, and much more. You may even visit one of the most colorful indigenous groups in Ecuador, the “Colorados,” to learn about their ancient traditions and religion. (B,L,D daily)
Day #5 Arasha–Quito. Return to Quito today. The remainder of your afternoon is at leisure. (B)
Day #6 Quito. Your included city TOUR showcases the rich legacy left by the Incas and, later, the Spaniards. See Independence Square dominated by its formidable Cathedral, San Francisco Plaza Church, and the BASILICA with its marvelous stained-glass windows. (B)
Day #7 Quito–Baltra (Embarkation)–Galápagos Cruising: Santa Cruz Island. Fly to Baltra in the Galápagos. Upon arrival, transfer to Santa Cruz Island, where you will embark the Santa Cruz and enjoy five days of cruising among various Galápagos Islands. Visit Las Bachas on SANTA CRUZ ISLAND, where abandoned WWII military barges can be found. Today, it is an important nesting area for the East Pacific Green Sea Turtle. You will also see brackish lagoons just steps away from the sea and the white-sand beach, a feeding ground for various wading birds—from stilts to flamingos. This evening, a lecture led by your onboard Naturalist will prepare you for tomorrow’s adventure. (B,L,D)
Day #8 Cruising: Santiago Island. After breakfast, join your Naturalist for a short panga ride to Espumilla beach on SANTIAGO ISLAND. In the nearby mangrove forest, watch where you step, as this is common nesting area for sea turtles. Also keep an eye out for Galápagos finches, marine iguanas, and sea lions, as well as flamingos and pintail ducks in the nearby lagoons. This afternoon, land at Puerto Egas, known for its black-sand beach and landscape of tuff-stone layers and lava flows. This is a great opportunity to see land and marine birds as well as a colony of fur sea lions and marine iguanas. You have the chance to snorkel or swim from the beach, or ride on the glass-bottom boat. (B,L,D)
Day #9 Cruising: Rábida & Bartolomé Islands. Disembark at RÁBIDA ISLAND on a red-colored beach, formed from the unusually high content of iron in the volcanic material. Here, your Naturalist points out large colonies of sea lions, marine iguanas, mockingbirds, yellow warblers, and several species of Darwin’s finches. This is a wonderful place to snorkel from the beach, due to the unique combination of underwater species and submarine landscapes. At BARTOLOMÉ ISLAND, hike to the summit for a stunning view of two beautiful bays and fascinating formations of lava flows and spatter cones, including iconic Pinnacle Rock. You will also have the chance to snorkel and possibly see Galápagos penguins in tropical waters and even some sharks! (B,L,D)
Day #10 Cruising: Genovesa Island. Upon arrival at GENOVESA ISLAND, your visit to Prince Philip’s Steps begins with a scenic panga ride along the cliffs to see the large number of shore and seabirds nesting in the cliffs’ ledges. Disembark at the base of Prince Philip’s Steps and climb up the stairs to a trail where birdlife abounds. A walk with your Naturalist reveals large colonies of masked boobies, blue-footed boobies, frigatebirds, storm petrels, and even short-eared owls. In the afternoon, disembark at Darwin Bay to observe thousands of birds—mainly, frigatebirds, redfooted and masked boobies, gulls, herons, finches, and mockingbirds. Return to the beach for swimming and snorkeling in this beautiful natural harbor. (B,L,D)
Day #11 Cruising: San Cristobal Island (Disembarkation)–Quito–Lima, Peru. After breakfast, depart for Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, where Charles Darwin first set foot in the Galápagos back in 1835. This island is home to seabirds like blue-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, herons, frigatebirds, and various shore birds. Also watch for the Chatham mockingbird and Chatham lava lizard—both species are endemic to this island and seen nowhere else in the Galápagos. Head to the airport for your return flight to Lima to begin the Peru portion of your vacation. (B)
Day #12 Lima. Your included city TOUR focuses on Lima’s rich colonial history as well as the modern city. Lima was the bastion of Spanish South America from its founding in 1535 until the independence of the South American republics in the early 19th century. See the Cathedral, where the remains of Francisco Pizarro are sealed in a wooden coffin and with its eerie burial crypts. (B)
Day #13 Lima–Cusco. Fly to Cusco high in the Andes. Your guided TOUR visits the Santo Domingo MONASTERY, previously the Koricancha Temple, one of the most important temples devoted to worship of the sun. It is said it was covered in gold leaf and filled with golden representations of nature. In the Plaza de Armas, see the Cathedral before taking a short drive outside the city to the ruins of SACSAYHUAMAN with its intricate stone walls, amphitheatre of KENKO, and the Red Fortress of PUCA PUCARA. (B)
Day #14 Cusco–Sacred Valley. Today, a short drive into the Sacred Valley of the Incas brings you to AWANAKANCHA, where you will learn about the importance of the alpaca (llama) for Inca cultures as well as the ancient weaving techniques. Continue, to the market town of PISAC. Handmade rugs, alpaca sweaters, and jewelry can be bought here at bargain prices. At the other end of the valley is OLLANTAYTAMBO. Here, some of the finest examples of Inca masonry can be seen. (B,L)
Day #15 Sacred Valley–Machu Picchu. Board a TRAIN bound for MACHU PICCHU and cut a path through the Sacred Valley to this “Lost City of the Incas,” discovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911. On a guided TOUR, explore this intact fortress with its temple remains, holy houses, and mile-long aqueduct. For hikers, a brisk one-hour walk leads to the Sun Gate, the ancient entrance used by the Incas. (B,L,D)
Day #16 Machu Picchu–Cusco. A morning at leisure in Machu Picchu allows you to wake up early to see the sunrise over MACHU PICCHU. Return to Cusco, where your Local Host will recommend options for your free time. Perhaps visit the Inca Museum or wander through the artisan district of San Blas. (B)
Day #17 Cusco–Arequipa. Fly to Arequipa, located in the Chili River Valley and flanked by three snowcapped volcanoes: Misti, Chachani, and Pichu Pichu. Known as the “white city,” Arequipa definitely does justice to its nickname, as its buildings are made of sillar, a white volcanic rock found throughout the area. The stone embellishes the facades of the city’s homes and churches. Upon arrival, a city TOUR of Arequipa shows off the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral before visiting the Jesuit CHURCH, considered the best example of the mestizo baroque style. Continue to the residential districts of Yanahuara and Chilina, where you enjoy a magnificent view of Arequipa’s countryside and the Mount Misti volcano. (B)
Day #18 Arequipa–Colca Canyon. Depart for Colca Valley. Drive across Pampa Cañahuas within the Aguada Blanca National Reserve, the habitat of vicuñas and a variety of birds. Admire beautiful pre-Columbian terraces still being cultivated by native Collaguas. Stop for lunch in the town of Chivay. This afternoon, relax at LA CALERA hot springs. (B,L)
Day #19 Colca Canyon. Today is free for independent exploration. Colca Canyon is an impressive geological formation carved out by the river as it descended between the mountains (made of largely volcanic materials) over millions of years. More than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon, Colca Canyon is one of the deepest in the world. Observe the spectacular terracing, considered among the most extensive in southern Peru. These terraces, which allow cultivation and meticulously controlled irrigation of the steep slopes of the canyon, were built by Collagua and Cabana ethnic groups between the 9th and 14th centuries. (B)
Day #20 Colca Canyon–Arequipa. Proceed to CONDOR'S CROSS, an observation point where you have the possibility of observing the flight of the condor in its native habitat. From here, also enjoy the impressive Colca Canyon panorama. Next, visit the towns of Yanque, Maca, Achoma, and Pinchollo. In the afternoon, return to Arequipa. (B,L)
Day #21 Arequipa–Lima. Transfer to the airport for your return flight to Lima. (B)
Day #22 Lima. Your vacation ends after breakfast this morning. (B)

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